Plastic Surgery Clinic in Algiers

A comprehensive overview of plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgery procedures by Dr. Madjoudj Ahcene.

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Gynecomastia or Large Breasts in Men in Algeria
Large breasts in men, or gynecomastia, constitute a serious psychological handicap for men who suffer from it. Breasts, which are little compatible with the image of virility in men, give them insurmountable complexes, it mainly affects: Cause The cause of gynecomastia is essentially hormonal: It is due to This explains that a serious exploration is […]
Breast Lipofilling in Breast Augmentations
Since the PIP prosthesis scandal, many patients are looking for an alternative to prosthesis placement technique, as evidenced by the numerous letters I receive asking if I perform macrolane injections or lipofilling for breast augmentations. Breast Augmentation by Hyaluronic Acid The augmentation is limited to a few centimeters only. The numerous disadvantages (pain, microcalcifications ...) […]


Specialist plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon, affiliated member of the American Association of Plastic Surgery

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“Vous êtes le meilleur docteur qui soit, grâce à vous je m'aime de plus en plus, et grâce à vous je me tiens à nouveau debout, merci”
Patient 1
"You are the best docteur ever because of you I love myself more and more, and because of you I stand new brief thank you"
Patient 2
“Les mots ont leurs limites pour vous exprimer le bonheur que vous m’avez apporté j’ai que 23 ans j’ai l’impression que je vienne de renaître”
Patient 3